Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarokatuh.
introducing another great product from IMAN,
PLANNER 2011~!!
well,promotion has been made before this,this is just some additional info and covers of the planner.
we made this planner simple,informative and comes in handy in order to make it more user friendly.
we include the list of contact person such as student council,Bale Padjadjaran,and so on..
since most of us studying in english,so,we made this planner in english. :D
we include also the reference for each faculty,which are the general human anatomy, common abbreviation used in prescription and the anatomy of teeth .
there's also Quran verses that state science exist in our life and the statement from the researcher that proves it was right.amazing right? there are lotssssaa Quran verses that state the science theories,but some of them is still controversial among the scientist.
subhanallah,"sesungguhnya ilmu manusia itu terbatas"
among scientist that has been mentioned here is the Prof Keith Moore. Who is he? He is the author of our The Developing Human,Clinically Oriented Embryology.
as a science stream student,it feels great to read more about this right?
The cover,we made 6 colors for the buyers to choose. We are consumers too,so,we do understand that all of us have different taste when it comes to favorite colors. :D
we do also insert "waktu solat" for whole year for we can refer the table anytime.
"public holiday in Indonesia & Malaysia" are added also.
"mutabaah ibadah" also been inserted for every month to help us evaluate ourselves.
this planner also has the notes column,so instead of planning on the date here and there,we can also write extra notes in this column.
ok,lets check this out~!!
picture speaks thousand words
these are the covers,we have 6 different colors
Peaceful Green
Brave Red
Sunshine Yellow
Cute Pink
Sky Blue
Cool Dark
if you are interested, please contact your batch representative. orders and payment can be made before 8th november 2010.(except for TWP 3rd year student,since they are having exam)
kalau boleh,tambahkan juga tanggal merah(hari cuti umum di indenesia)
terima kasih,
kami memang sudah menambahkan tanggal merah dalam planner tu.
maaf atas kekurangan informasi.
bila tarikh tutup order ye? sepertinya akan order lg 1..:)
sepertinya tanggal 3 nov promosi planner ni selesai.
makanya masih ada waktu lagi.
boleh inform kat wakil angkatan 07
(kak nimy) kan?
alhamdulillah,dah release pun harini.. :)
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